Your name

Your name
This was a personal project and for this project my aim was to create a minimal, elegant, yet dynamic graphic design with the restraint of only using Kanji and Katakana which is Japanese typography. I also created a unique typeface for each name graphic.
In the spring of 2017 I used Japanese Kanji to design the name for some people who I met during my travels. While many alphabets only contain sounds, Kanji also contains meaning so designing their name is a very intimate process. The same name can be written in many different ways. I also used colors and graphic design that would suit their personality.
For example, I interpreted the name David a CCO to become 騨飛人 - The Person who flies high and sees the future, Lara to 羅蘭 - ‘蘭’ is beautiful flowers. ‘羅’ means connect. Because as a team leader she connects a team of beautiful flowers that I got to know during my exchange program in Sweden.